i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 7:12:31 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]METEOR FALLS WARFRONT





ON THE THIRD DAY OF THE WAR, the historic site of Meteor Falls is attacked. From the sea, Megalopolans arrive enmasse. They reach the western coast in pilfered ships and on Pokemon. Under the overcast heavens, Meteor Falls' rugged terrain and forests take on dull hues: a somber palette for war.[break][break][break]

Meteor Falls has been taken— and your characters have been called upon to reclaim it, if they weren't there already. Stationed all around the rocky slopes and cliffs, Megalopolans engage in battle with League forces. Naganadel and tamed Pokemon such as Salamence, scorch earth and body. Perhaps, more menacingly, corrupted Charizard stand guard with their flames.[break][break][break]

In the distance, an Ultra Wormhole continually pulses. Its electric noise undulates and cracks across the air. However, more loud, is the Celesteela stationed deeper in the mountains. Its heavy arms, propelled like rockets, continually slam into the earth as if in the process of mining.[break][break][break]


The rocky terrain makes it difficult to spot what is exactly going on, for there are many crags and hills that obscure your vision. However, the noises are haunting. It does not help that the Megalopolans give no quarter, attacking with their Pokemon and stun batons. Those who fall are swiftly pounced upon and torn apart by teeth.[break][break][break]

As you and your comrades approach, the Mega Charizard unleash SHADOW FIRE from their maws. The fireballs are dark, sinister in their color. When they strike the ground, the flames erupt and create a barricade of fire that reaches tall. Smoke begins to billow forth: toxic, black, and bitter.[break][break][break]

Under the cover of smoke and flame, the Megalopolans strike with their Naganadel. DRAGON PULSES and SLUDGE BOMBS soar out from the fire and above like artillery. For those with keen ears, they would be able to hear high winds whipping around. Perhaps, it's the fire consuming air; however, it sounds like sprinting...[break][break][break]

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

☐ Stop the Megalopolans from drilling into Meteor Falls.[break]
☐ Close the northern Ultra Wormhole.[break]
☐ Reclaim Meteor Falls and protect it from further threats.[break]
☐ Rout the enemy and defeat Smohke, their general.[break]

☐ Eliminate the smoke and flames from the field.[break]
☐ Attempt to advance deeper into Meteor Falls' mountains.[break]
☐ Rocket: Eliminate League characters covertly, should the opportunity arise.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
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6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 18:28:15 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

This was it.

The one thing he had hoped to never happen—actually unfurling right before his eyes. The smoke hung thick in the air, and for all reasons’ worth, it was more than enough to make everyone’s eyes water. The rather imposing tall wall of flames spelled a big problem.

Cracking his neck to get rid of the tension in it, Lars squinted through the smog that hung in the air, the result of the flames raging not too far ahead of them. Of course he was terrified. Deeply fucking terrified.

He didn’t even get to tell Evan where he was headed, or what he was about to do, but otherwise, wherever Evan had chosen to go, he hoped the other man would keep his head down and be safe.

It didn’t show on his face though as he popped several containment units and watched as the red beams of light transform into his party. While he had decided to give Alpha to Evan to keep him safe in the meantime, here he was with Ro, Lynette, and Ryujin. The surprise here was the strange… creature he’d acquired from that decapitated—well never mind that.

“Ryujin, make it rain, hard. Ro—get ready just in case something comes flying from over there. Lynette, stay close to us and get ready to heal. You—shit, I can’t keep calling you that. Fine. Amir it is then. Rock Slide beyond the wall of fire.”

As the four Pokémon he already had out prepared their respective moves, he looked toward the smoggy heavens, wondering where the last part of his party was. He never really did keep them in a Pokéball, finding it unorthodox to contain the power of a god in such a small container.

The Rain Dance from the Swampert began to kick up, spreading from a central point and spreading out; an initial attempt to douse the flames. The rainbow-colored blast of Psychic energy emanated from the silver beast of a Metagross, just in case something came from out of nowhere—a deterrent to an incoming attack.

Meanwhile the Gardevoir held close by, spreading its Life Dew to anyone who needed immediate healing to fellow League members coming in with injuries from the front lines; whereas the Type:Null gathered its focus and sent an avalanche of boulders, ready to strike with a Rock Slide beyond the wall of fire.

The last presence finally announced itself with a sudden temperature drop, the Sheer Cold hailing Articuno’s arrival in the first burst to lower the temperature ahead of them, another attempt to douse the flame wall ahead of them. If the Rain Dance didn’t work, then hopefully the Sheer Cold would change the temperature in their favor.

“Keep warm,” was all he said as he smirked for the briefest of seconds towards the other people he was with before removing the gloves he frequently wore now.

While normally he tried his best to keep it under control, this was the one time he would let it run wild, clapping his hands together and conjuring up the frigid, arctic power he now shared with the being of ice that hovered close above him and his team—the idea was to stay close, and move together as a unit.

He took aim and lobbed the frigid ice he’d conjured up from his hands, and aimed towards the wall of flames up ahead of them.

If they were going in this, they were going in this to win, decisively.

@team meteor falls



• Entire team sent out—Swampert, Metagross, Gardevoir, Type:Null (Articuno comes later)
• Swampert used Rain Dance, first attempt to douse the fire!
• Metagross used Psychic; preparing to deflect an attack.
• Gardevoir used Life Dew; for anyone who needed healing such as League members injured from the earlier assault up ahead
• Type:Null used Rock Slide, aiming it beyond the central wall of flames ahead of the group
• Articuno used Sheer Cold, an attempt to lower the temperature around the area (should the Rain Dance not work, Sheer Cold is also aimed at the wall of flames ahead of them)
• And of course, fuckin’ Lars does a male Elsa move conjures up a blast of ice (avatar power), in an attempt to quell the wall of flames dead ahead of them.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 19:12:49 GMT
Remember our formations!

Fernando’s own personal team of the League’s second generation of avatars arrive on scene, huddled by proximity but spaced out enough to accommodate centralized incoming fire.

Don’t panic and don’t lose eyes on the objective! Just like we practiced.

A callous reminder that not all lives are the same. Fernando’s discussed this with Stormy before and today they’ll put that viewpoint in action. He worries about Illeana’s own concern for others but regular League members don’t carry the same weight. Sacrifices are inevitable.


Behind Lars, Fernando waits for the Articuno to make the first pass to set the stage. His own MISTY TERRAIN permeates from his body, spreading over his side of the field and bolstering the ATTACKS of nearby allies. Stomy, Lars, Illeana, Ophelia are a shoe in, with possible stragglers reaping the benefits as well. The protective veil will shield them from STATUS CONDITIONS, a preemptive filter in anticipation of the possible side-effects of getting too close from the ominous smoke.

Once the ice and rain comes out so does Fernando’s call for water. The proximity to the ocean makes it easier to manipulate water from nothingness, humid weather curtailing the SURF that spills forth from Tapu Fini’s shell. His Clefairy hops forward to COPYCAT the Legendary sending out its own tidal wave to help snuff out the fires ahead. Smeargle’s HELPING HAND accentuates the Legendary’s attack to even greater heights, setting a collapsing surge that spills well past the fire wall, dictating the flow of smoke away from them, and spilling onto the ground forces that seek shelter behind their makeshift veil.

Fernando’s Type:Null and Zygarde leap into action, sticking close as per their formation, while looking to address immediate threats. A well placed GLARE looks to cripple enemy forces in the sky, paralyzing would be fliers in an attempt to send them plummeting. Type:Null’s TERRAIN PULSE sends coagulated shots of FAIRY energy up to hit the corrupted Dragon’s and invading Naganadel.

Bombard them as we push in. Clear the smoke and support aerial forces.

Their plan hinges on Stormy and Lars.

- fernando spreads out MISTY TERRAIN to nearby allies. prevents STATUS CONDITIONS and boosts ATTACKS!

- tapu fini uses SURF. smeargle uses HELPING HAND to assist! clefairy uses COPYCAT on tapu fini's SURF!

- clefairy's FRIEND GUARD reduces the damage allies take!

- water attack is used to put out fire + push smoke away + wash away enemies behind the fire wall!

- zygarde uses GLARE on airborne enemies to PARALYZE them (and cause them to fall?)!

- type:null fires TERRAIN PULSE at airborne enemies (dragons + naganadel). it's power is BOOSTED by MISTY TERRAIN. it's fairy type!

- pokemon stay near his person w/ tapu fini + clefairy ahead of him to avoid friendly fire.

- they push forward as they gain ground.

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 350px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 19:31:50 GMT
Deleted Avatar
You wouldn’t know it from his expression, but Haru was the most nervous he’d ever been. A badgeless trainer, just an ordinary model, fighting in a war? A laughable idea. Honestly, he had no idea how it had gotten to this point. But here he was, doing his best to keep a calm expression with his water trio in a triangle around him. This whole situation was terrifying, though Siren did her best to comfort him with a calming trill in his direction.

He’d just managed to calm his breathing a little when the enemy Charizards began their initial attack. He saw  and  begin efforts to put out the flames and decided to join them, calling upon his partners to douse the dangerous wall of fire. With a single nod, his Milotic was the first to move, Rain Dance coming into play with a piercing cry. Next, his Lapras moved, shooting a Hydro Pump at the spots not quite covered by the rain. Finally, Sui the Brionne made his move, Misty Terrain expanding around them to further cover the battlefield and protect their allies from Status Conditions.

Haru himself did his best to stay relatively near their allies, one hand on the sword at his waist. Would he have to use it, himself? Or would the combined efforts of their Pokémon be enough?

•Lapras used Hydro Pump!
•Milotic used Rain Dance!
•Brionne used Misty Terrain!
•Haruka’s team is attempting to help douse the flames!

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december 25
saffron city
you and i
and no one else
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54 height
on the nights I catch you standing, are you waiting for me?
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TAG WITH @lillian
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 19:39:07 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Meteor Falls is chaos. There's no way Lillian could have properly prepared for it, no way even now she can comprehend the scale of everything. There are monstrous opponents she's seen only in photographs and corrupted Pokemon she understands only the theory behind. If she took time to try and process it all before making a move she'd collapse under the pressure. It's a good thing, then, that she's got Fernando to guide her.

Anxiety hits her like a percussive blast the moment they enter the field. Her hands shake and her heart races and her vision blurs. And then his voice cuts through the way it always has. A familiar, comfortable thoughtlessness washes over her. It's not her job to direct anything. It's not her job to direct even herself. There's a plan, an order of operations, and if anything changes he'll be the first to announce it. All she has to do is what they rehearsed.

"Execute," she echoes his order more intimately to the Pokemon around her. They take action immediately -- trained just as well as she is. Machamp hurries to a center position, its four hands glow a burnt amber before stretching out into a rectangular shape above its head. WIDE GUARD springs to life, at first using those hands as its edges before expanding further. A precautionary shield, constantly shifting in little ways as the Pokemon scans the sky and its surroundings.

Supporting it is Bronzong, who floats into position beside the Machamp before sending out a pulse of pink light. The air around it shimmers as a LIGHT SCREEN establishes itself around nearby allies.

Cloyster slides ahead, moving to join the offensive line of Clefairy and Tapu Fini. It snaps open and, like a fire hose, unleashes a fierce, rain boosted spray of HYDRO PUMP in the direction of the fire wall ahead of them.

Meanwhile, Lillian flips to watch their back. A quick nod to her Magneton sees its eyes begin scanning for nearby opponents, when it finds one its eyes all flash red -- LOCK ON ensuring at least one kill at the nearest opportunity. Then they wait as the provided MISTY TERRAIN spills out past them. Step one, complete.

+ Lillian is a few feet behind , Machamp moved to the center point between them
+ Machamp used WIDE GUARD to cover nearby allies, Bronzong moved up beside it
+ Bronzong used LIGHT SCREEN (1/5) to increase protection from Sp.Attks
+ Cloyster joined Tapu Fini + Clefairy at the front, used HYDRO PUMP on the fire wall (boosted by RAIN DANCE)
+ Magneton used LOCK ON on nearby/approaching enemies
+ Lillian + 'mons keeping pace with Fernando while keeping an eye out
Edit note: aligned the roll to center, if it changes the original result was a 34

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 19:43:09 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


"operation fire force. start!"
as the rain from poured down on the battlefield the cool water collected in the small cracks of buccaneer's shell like a rain dish that kept him plenty re-hydrated as the blastoise moved forward to the flames and extended his cannons as a hydro pump blasted through them and into the wall of fire. pokkenger's charizard came up behind him and held his wings up above the superhero to keep him dry from the pesky rain that poured down on them with the large dragon wrapping its tail around pokkenger's waist to keep it and his trainer warm as he beat his wings once and with a roar called forth scorching sands that looked to strike at the attacks coming their way and into the airborne forces above them.
"nice work guys. we should be able to--wah!" from out of his belt a red light appeared and his zeraora appeared with a growl and intense eyes scanning the skies. "simba are you nuts?! get back in there i can--bzzt!" as he places a hand on the cat's shoulders electricity flares up around its body as it charges itself for a future attack while shocking pokkenger in the process. "mmph...fine. but stay close. let's head up the mountain guys, they ain't gonna know they're way on our frown lawn like we do." with that the quartet made their way up the path towards the mountain.
on the path there however were a large group of megalopians and other forces, just another obstacle for pokkenger and his team. popping another ball off of his belt he rolled it along the dirt path like a bowling ball that exploded into a large torterra that let out a roar before stomping on the ground to cause an earthquake to try and bury the enemies as they made their way towards the mountain.

    + rain dance trigger's blastoise's rain dish ability! (continually replenishes health during rain)[break][break]
    + blastoise uses hydro pump to clear away the flames! (powered up by rain dance!)[break][break]
    + charizard uses scorching sands to intercept the air forces![break][break]
    + zeraora uses charge to power itself up! (next electric type move does x2 the damage! spec. def up +1!)[break][break]
    + kazimir sends out torterra![break][break]
    + torterra uses earthquake on the megalopan forces on the path to the mountains![break][break]
    + kazimir's team heads up the right path up the mountainside if fires are put out.

[attr="class","tag"]@meteor falls raid

template by kay

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 19:58:10 GMT
Deleted Avatar
just like they practiced.

just like they discussed.

it was going to be okay. everything was going to be okay. there were plenty of capable people here, and she was sure that she'd be able to hold her end of the chain. carry her own weight - no one else was going to pick up the slack, after all. so she takes a deep breath, calming herself in front of the raging fire that spews toxins into the air.

all four of her pokemon were out, but she doesn't know how much they could actually do. still, they stand tall and bristle at the threat presented. "alright, like what we planned out!" she smiles to the pokemon, with the intention to hype them up to some degree. she had to smile. she had to try to smile, to help with morale. the houndoom lets out a growl, beginning to ponder with a NASTY PLOT. the sharpedo beings to rev up the jets on its body, sending out a large burst of water through LIQUIDATION to help ease the fire, while still staying close to the group and a safe way from the flames.

the absol doesn't do much, asides from raise his horn into the air to try and sense.. anything. yet he couldn't catch anything, and so lowers and began to quietly prepare himself with SWORDS DANCE.

the meowstic opens up her ears, eyes glowing as she tries to predict the future through FUTURE SIGHT, before sending pulses of psychic energy through several portals with the intention to plant a future attack.

all while the group stands by the group assembled by

- houndoom used nasty plot
- sharpedo is using the water from LIQUIDATION on the fire; staying close to the group and away from the flames
- absol used swords dance
- meowstic used FUTURE SIGHT to see the future and lay an attack
- ophelia and co. are close to fernando's group

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 21:09:46 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




war of the worlds: raid

fire in my lungs, can't bite the

devil on my tongue

Rain bleeds from the sky like an ill omen and the smell of smoke permeates in the air to add insult to injury. The shadow fire, with it's dark tendrils of doom, sends a shiver of dread down the woman's spine. Although the heat does not affect her, she can't help but feel apprehensive about the darkness that surrounds the area anyway. It is not natural like the flames that eat up a forest fire. This is not the same objective she faces as a ranger.[break][break]

Fernando's reminder thunders in her ear and resonates in her shaking hands - but she steels herself and her fingers brush the cold, damp steel of her Aegislash. The Pokemon has chosen to separate from her physically due to the intensity of her heat, but it remains close by, within arms reach.[break][break]

Their group consists of , , , and a face she recognizes as . They move as a unit and cover ground quickly. Laurence's Swampert sets up the stage with a rain dance, followed closely by Articuno's sheer cold. Stormy glances up in time to see her Moltres perform a HURRICANE to aid the rain, using the gales to push away the smoke, lift it into the sky, disperse it.[break][break]

"Sehkmet, I need you to use AIR SLASH alongside Moltres' HURRICANE."[break][break]

The Charizard pushes off the ground with a rumble, performing several AIR SLASHES to help the HURRICANE eliminate the fire and smoke. Stormy's attention then diverts to her Type: Null and Blissey. They former is chomping at the bit and she watches as it falls into step alongside Fernando's. With a brief nod, she enables it to mimic the TERRAIN PULSE previously performed. Her own beast-killer takes advantage of the MISTY TERRAIN to dish out FAIRY-TYPE damage, targeting enemies in the sky.[break][break]

Aegislash fortifies discreetly with an IRON DEFENSE, while Blissey stays close to the group. She performs a LIFE DEW to lend her healing abilities to those in desperate need. Her HEALER ability takes effect for those suffering from ailments greater than a simple splash of rejuvenating water will help.[break][break]


- moltres uses HURRICANE to disperse the fire and smoke. thank you RAIN DANCE![break]

- charizard uses AIR SLASH to aid in dispersing fire and smoke.[break]

- type: null uses TERRAIN PULSE at airborne enemies (dragons and naganadel). it's power is boosted by MISTY TERRAIN. it's fairy type![break]

- aegislash fortifies using IRON DEFENSE.[break]

- blissey uses LIFE DEW on the area surrounding the group, healing allies. ability HEALER is in effect![break]

- pokemon stay near her person w/ aegislash and clefairy slightly ahead of her.[break]

- they push forward as they gain ground.


notes: ...


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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 21:53:38 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar


what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


valerio should have stayed in mauville.[break][break]

he knows sticking with the plan is their best course of survival especially when dealing with enemies they have never fought before. he heard stories about these alien pokémons months ago, knocking towns with chaos in their ultra wormholes. but this invasion is an entirely new thing hoenn has never witnessed before.[break][break]

he watches the wall of flames roar bigger and a deep sigh escapes his already parched lips. he cuddles the togepi stuck on her carrier who seems unbothered by the whole ordeal as he picks up his phone and dials in his favorite underboss’s number, in which he leaves a simple message: stuck in meteor falls. can’t follow.[break][break]

catastrophe unravels itself in the form of megalopolan armies and naganadel colonies and he maintains his cool despite the pressure of breaking through the barricades. his expression turns sour at the sight of leagues marching into the scene in all their vainglory. hazel orbs fixate on and he instantly knows he’s working on double priorities now: one, on saving the region; and two, on saving his identity.[break][break]

perhaps, eggnog senses this profound aversion that with a flick of her stubby hands, shadow luck finds itself into the head ranger’s fortune. the shadow pokémon’s unharnessed capability may have influenced his rock slide’s direction into the league cadets instead.[break][break]

a questioning look is directed into eggnog as she continues to wave her paws and beams at her trainer. shadow metronome reverberates dragon pulses back into the fliers—then valerio’s face lights up with an idea. as he makes full use of the league’s formation, his fingers reach to the dragapult on his belt. the dragon slayer rides their mount before they slip into a ghostly realm using phantom force, attempting to teleport past the fire curtain and into nearby forest.[break][break]

regular roll: fRxhDjnn[break]
shadow luck:

+ sh!togepi and dragapult is out, kangaskhan and turtonator still in their pokéballs. sh!togepi sits on a baby carrier, its blackening shell is covered by the equipment’s clothing. valerio and togepi rides dragapult.[break]
+ sh!togepi activates shadow luck against , fucking up his roll which may endanger league cadets near the fire.[break]
+ sh!togepi uses shadow metronome and casts mirror coat against incoming dragon pulse, returning them to the naganadels.[break]
+ dragapult uses phantom force before sludge bombs hit and attempts to teleport valerio’s party past the wall of flame, near the trees, in hiding.





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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 22:06:45 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]war. it's bloody, chaotic, messy. and right now, they're walking right into the thick of it. enemy forces rain fire from above, attacks that meet the protection of her teammates. are the other warfronts seeing similar actions? her mind wanders for a moment, drifting to the well-being of . a wish for his safety is muttered and then lost among the chaos that begins to unfold.

distractions fade and all that's left is their team.

she stays close to those she knows, to those she'd die to protect. there's enough space in their formation to allow them to work but not enough to be separated. it works, as she knows all of fernando's strategies do. and naturally, despite the budding sensation of dread and anxiety mingling in her stomach, she places her faith in him.

skin is purposely left exposed yet not capitalized yet. her outfit is the same as littleroot, except with a sole purpose this time around: the more skin she has, the more psychic mist she can create. for now, the avatar power lies dormant, allowing fernando's misty terrain to overtake the battlefield. the time will come for her own mist to join but for now, her body is lacking the pink mist of her legendary. her cape billows behind her as they move, as they begin to start their counterattack. and while they move, she gathers scales at the ready. each one shimmers a soft pink as they float and linger by her arms, prepared for damage or healing should the need arise.

her pokemon spread out, lingering close in the same sort of formation each trainer has been placed in. her galarian ponyta provides a remedy to the poison they face: pastel veil coming into effect with the pony's presence. with the galarian ponyta in play, being poisoned can fade from their thoughts for now. joining the efforts of 's metagross, the galarian ponyta glows a faint purple with the psychic it uses. should attacks come, the psychic move can assist in repelling them.

meanwhile, alakazam sticks closer to her back. defended against poison by magic guard, it is more concerned with attacks that breach their formation. in preparation, future sight is used to usher psychic power into the near future. she expects their enemies to be ruthless, attacking from all sides. perhaps that's why her alcremie is laying out groundwork for those attacking to succeed. both of its abilities, aroma veil and sweet veil, coat their teammates. protected from both sleep and attacks that limit their moves, they can unleash retaliation in full force for now. an added aromatic mist is ushered out from the dessert pokemon, aimed solely at articuno to give it an extra sense of support.

illeana's face is almost painfully devoid of nervousness. and while it could be a mask to protect herself from the world around them, tapu lele's presence at her side is perhaps influencing it. the deity itself almost looks to be enjoying this, enjoying the way opposite sides clash. it doesn't understand, not fully, but there's a giggle that escapes when it joins the attack. moonblast is aimed to the attacking naganadel, bright and pretty and vicious. her cofagrigus joins the guardian on the offensive, sending dark pulse up into the air to collide with aerial attacks before they come too close.

she never stops moving, never stops to glance at what's happening. no, that would mean a shift in focus, a shift into anxiety. sure, she's concerned about their allies, about the lives at stake, but they've practiced for this. she's trained for this and she'll be damned if she lets them down.

- illeana's scales gather at her arms in preparation.

- g!ponyta uses psychic to assist in repelling attacks with lars's metagross.
pastel veil is in effect, helping against the poison smoke.

- alakazam uses future sight, sending attacks into the future should someone attack their backs.
magic guard helps defend alakazam against poison.

- alcremie uses aromatic mist on articuno to raise its special defense & boost it.
aroma veil & sweet veil protect allies from sleep & attacks that limit their moves.

- cofagrigus uses dark pulse on the enemy forces attacking from above.

- tapu lele uses moonblast on the attacking naganadel.

- they push forward as they gain ground.

[newclass=.illie] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 0:09:50 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar
Hoenn was her second home, and Ruby wasn't about to let anyone take it from her. There was no denying all the intensely powerful forces at play, from the Legendary Pokemon to Avatars, to the corrupted Pokemon controlled by the Ultra Beasts. She had to take a stand, she refused to just stand by and be a passive observer. Not any more. Never again. Never again would she cower in the face of danger. It was terrifying but that only meant she had to press on even more. She had trained hard to become a strong trainer, to protect the weak, to help those who couldn't help themselves. It didn't matter that she was young, she had to do something. No matter what anyone else said.

Mom and Dad would hopefully understand. It was a good thing she already sent them a letter...

As reinforcements arrived, Ruby followed suit as she steeled her nerves. Blue bandana wrapped around her forehead and Bea by her side, the two soared across the sky on Amor as they quickly dived down to the battle, flying about fifteen feet off the ground. There were already many injured and that number would surely skyrocket if nothing was done about it. The familiar faces could definitely take care of themselves, it was the unfamiliar ones that worried her.

Ruby was quick to send out her other two Pokemon, Grace and Whisper as she cried out to them all. "Amor! Protect! Grace, Whisper, you know what to do!" The Gardevoir floated off the ground, hovering nearby the somewhat grounded Hatterene. Immediately, Amor spread his wings and let out a loud cry as a forcefield formed in front of them, hoping to block any attacks from the sky at the two down below.

On the ground, Whisper and Grace immediately got to work. It was loud, there was violent emotions everywhere and even a Calm Mind which had quickly begun wasn't enough to silence the unbridled fury within the Hatterene, only focus its anger. The Gardevoir floating slightly above was quick to spin around as its Life Dew flung across the battlefield, intent to heal the rangers who had been holding the line as long as they have.

Meanwhile, Bea the Kubfu sitting atop Amor was staring out across the battlefield with a stern gaze. The previously timid Kubfu was ready for war, and it's sudden usage of Bulk Up confirmed it as her muscles tightened up. It was ready to fight with everything it had, for her trainer's sake. Hold nothing back.


Ruby has the Rapid Strike Bandana.
Amor uses Protect, overtop of Grace, Whisper, and potentially anyone nearby.
Whisper uses Calm Mind, anger intensifying.
Grace uses Life Dew, attempting to heal as many rangers and their pokemon as she can.
Bea uses Bulk Up, ready to fight.


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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 3:46:40 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
As chaos roars about, Kim takes in his surroundings, his eyes peering at objectives as the others focused on the one before them.

He mumbles options to himself, keeping his eyes forward before he moves, slowly pacing towards the wormhole. If he could stop reinforcements from coming out of that thing then undoubtedly the battle on this front would be more in their favor. He had his plan, now he only needed to set it into motion.

With a quick breath he releases his pokemon the slightest of motions sending forth four onto the field, their own sights aligning with his, Kim pointing towards the group nearest to the first s!charizard.

Sweep ‘em, Coffee.

He says as the Kirlia quickly TELEPORTs Kim and his team in the middle of said group- the Dragonite catching the group with a sweep of its AQUA TAIL, launching them towards the shoreline with a fine flick.

Douse the Charizard, Minnow. Knock, keep us protected.

The Swampert, immediately after ordered, shoots a powerful spout of water from its maw, the empowered HYDRO PUMP launching towards the s!charizard with the might of a storm. Meanwhile the Lickilicky primes a PROTECTive barrier when/if needed.

Hopefully whatever attention he had drawn would allow the front line to charge through with slightly more ease.


ღ kim teleports with his whole team into the middle of a group and wipes them with dragonites aqua tail

ღ swampert used hydro pump on the nearest shadow charizard

ღ lickilicky prepares to use protect on any attacks that aim at the group
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 8:24:09 GMT
Deleted Avatar

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war of the worlds: raid

top of the win

near leather feel


The scene was doing no favors for his already fragile mental state. Feeling more alone in Hoenn than he had ever felt alone in his entire life, Atlan was beginning to have doubts about why he had answered the call to come here in the first place. But Thalia, the Hattrem clinging to his shoulder, slapped him out of it. She could sense him slipping again. She'd done well to nurse his mental health over the last week or so, but they couldn't afford to pay too much attention to it here. And Atlan knew that. As he came to, the Hattrem's CALM MIND returned.[break][break]

After silently thanking Thalia with a nod, the cacophony of noise erupting in the air came back to the forefront of the lad's attention with a rush of wind. The stomping of the Copperajah he rode was the only thing loud enough to blast over the sounds of screams, battle cries, blasts, and crackling flames. The giant beast hardened its durable skin with an IRON DEFENSE as it plowed through a squadron of Megalopolans, flinging away those who weren't trampled with a swing of his wide trunk. His Krookodile, in the meantime, swam effortlessly in the earth alongside them.[break][break]


Hanno the Copperajah's stampede, however, would come to slow stop when a giant wall of fire barred the squad from moving ahead any further. In addition to that, a firing squad of Naganadel had emerged to fire upon them. Atlan winced. It was a long shot, but: "Vagabon, Rock Slide! Use the mountain to douse those flames and stop those wasps!" He called out, prompting the crocodile to summon his earth-bending power before causing a massive ROCK SLIDE from the mountainside nearby. With any luck, it would help clear the flames and simultaneously save them from a barrage of attacks.[break]


Hattrem used Calm Mind! (+1 SP. ATK, +1 SP. DEF)[break]
The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.[break]
Copperajah used Iron Defense! (+2 DEF)[break]
The user hardens its body's surface like iron, sharply raising its Defense stat.[break]
Krookodile used Rock Slide![break]
Large boulders are hurled at opposing Pokémon to inflict damage. This may also make the opposing Pokémon flinch.[break][break]

tl;dr: Atlan rides in atop his Copperajah, carrying his Hattrem on his shoulder, as the elephant tramples Megalopolans. When the fire wall is summoned and enemy pokémon appear, Krookodile is summoned to help deter both with a rock slide from the mountainside.[break][break]


— Atlan is wearing a dark green combat vest with a long-sleeve black shirt, black trousers, and combat boots. Strapped to his belt are his heavy balls and several supplies, including: a flashlight, emergency flares, a pair of cuffs, rations, a canteen, portable first-aid, and a pair of stun batons.


war of the worlds: meteor falls warfront


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April 22nd
23 height
23 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @rufio
Rufio McGillis
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 0:55:51 GMT
Rufio McGillis Avatar

Meteor Falls had fallen under attack and the likes of Rufio McGillis was literally caught in the thick of it.

He didn't keep up with the news and with his recent and frequent activity in the mountainous area he had effectively cut himself off even further to bolster his training methods. In this Rufio would find himself not panicking, but full of chaos as he fell into the "defense army" ranks.

However chaotic it was Rufio nonetheless found some use of this strange and apparent war, it was the chance of a lifetime to empower his Pokemon. A real war? Life and death?

That was how a Pokemon could achieve some real power that they normally wouldn't have the chance to.

Surrounded at all points by his four Pokemon Rufio would give them each one look before sneering in excitement.

Lockjaw the Croconaw, Zweihander the Doublade, Morph the Morpeko, and Moore the Mudkip looked a bit out of place when surrounded by mostly fully evolved Pokemon and the like...Even Legendary Pokemon appeared, beyond that they weren't there of their own volition, but instead had apparently been tamed by Trainers.

Initially starting toward the back of the group they'd push on forward once things started to heat up, literally and figuratively, they'd only pause once along the way for Rufio to give a plan.

Moore, use Foresight...Tell me what you see in the area....

After a short pause where Moore the Mudkip went on to explain the situation and surroundings to Rufio, the ginger would begin to order the others around.

Lockjaw, you'll be using Hydro Pump, don't worry about helping the others, we're going off to the side, I want you to knock that tree over, we'll surprise them on the beach.

Zweihander I need you to use Aerial Ace on the nearest aliens you can once we get to them.

Morph, you'll be using Quick Attack, same as Zweihander's plan.

Lockjaw to my left, Morph to my right.

Keep up.

And with that the group would sort of take an alternate path than the others, heading off to the far left side of the battlefield as their goal was to route the enemies from the side while the others pushed ahead. If any others worked their way toward his chosen path they'd seemingly work together as long as they didn't get in Rufio's way. Wandering into the tree line the group would seemingly slip away into the shadows themselves.

Then it began, Lockjaw's HYDRO PUMP would collide with a tree in hopes to knock it over and down the cliff side onto the aliens below. Meanwhile Morph the Morpeko would find himself at the cliff side himself, casting down a THUNDER SHOCK on the aliens nearby. However the strange, yet amazing would happen as Rufio latched onto Zweihander the Doublade's hilts just before the Pokemon took off, gliding into an AERIAL ACE assault while Mudkip and Morpeko jumped onto and latched to either of his shoulders. Meanwhile Lockjaw would leap into the air in preparation for his next attack, ready to use his own instincts if need be.

Coming to wield his Pokemon as weapons themselves the ginger would enter the battle himself, cast into a beautiful dance as the Doublade swung about with it's Flying-Type maneuver while lashing out at the apparent alien invaders. Meanwhile Morph and Moore would jump from Rufio's back, taking point to his left and right while keeping up with him.

Rufio and co take to the trees and try to take the beach by surprise
The above plan is formed after Moore the Mudkip uses Foresight
Lockjaw the Croconaw uses Hydro Pump to knock a tree over onto aliens [attempt]
Morph the Morpeko uses Thunder Shock on nearby aliens [attempt]
Zweihander the Doublade uses Aerial Ace on nearby aliens [attempt]
Rufio has latched onto Zweihander and is effectively wielding the Doublade as swords through her own move set
Morph and Moore are to Rufio's left and right, respectively
Lockjaw is in the air, jumped from the cliff, ready to use a new move next round while midair

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2020 1:36:32 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
 as war raged on. mateo had only one concern, and that was the protection of this land: meteor falls. a place that belonged to the dragons, the draconid tribe, and the dragon clan. this was where his mother was born, and he'd be damn to let invaders and ultra beasts ruin the place he called a secondary home.

not on his watch.

as there were many who dealt with the fire, and those who fought against the aerial squadron. mateo would use this as an opportunity to move, along with his already chosen partner: sceptile. the moment utilized teleport to surprise spawn the enemy, mateo would take this opportunity to follow with haste; although, before doing so, he would shout toward the young woman in glasses.

"you, girl!" his sharp tone thrown toward , close enough for the young girl to hear. "the minute you're free you follow me to the mountain! i'm gonna need your supporting pokemon to back us up, you got that idjit!?" unintentionally calling her by his signature catchphrase. mateo wanted to ensure she understood, and hopefully she did for he had no time to waste explaining.

whether the wall of fire quelled or not, dragapult would emerge from his ball. together, mateo and sceptile would come to place themselves on its back. through the utilization of PHANTOM FORCE, they would maneuver through what looked to be a portal. upon moving through it, they would vanish altogether. only to reappear from above the group of megalopolans that were on the other side of the fiery wall.

from there mateo would toss out his milotic, ordering her to create a BARRIER around the group. inside of milotic's barrier, mateo would order sceptile to utilize FRENZY PLANT. by touching the ground, it would cause the earth beneath them to rumble as giant roots emerged. some attempting to ensnare a few megalopolans, others blocking their path.

releasing one more pokemon, his final pokemon he'd call upon noize the noivern. with INFILTRATOR he was able to bypass milotic's barrier with DRACO METEOR, attempting derail and crush a few more megalopolans. all while milotic kept its barrier in place.


- yelled at to catch up later.

- dragapult used phantom force to bypass the firewall.

- mateo, dragapult, and sceptile emerge from above to surprise the megalopolans.

- calls out milotic to utilize barrier.

- orders sceptile to utilize frenzy plant. sceptile manipulates said plants, attempting to ensnare a few megalopolans and block the path of others so they don't get in their way.

- calls out noivern in order to utilize draco meteor, combined with the ability of infiltrator while remaining within the barrier, in order to perform another all-out attack against the megalopolans.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing